Getting Screwed by Your Current Credit Card Processor?

It is a long established fact that credit card processors will do anything in their power to lock businesses into confusing rate structures by using contracts and inferior products.

Receive a complimentary no obligation and cost savings from PayJunction to find out what your business is really paying:

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]are you getting screwed[/text_block]

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  • Be Smart Accept Everything

    Our Smart Terminal provides your business with many options for accepting payments including all major credit cards checks NFC-ready phones and even the Apple Watch. This EMV-ready terminal will reduce your liability for fraudulent transactions and keep you up to date with payment-processing requirements.

  • Go Paperless with Electronic Signature

    Electronic signatures both eliminate the need for paper receipts and protect your business from charge-backs and fraud. Not only are they more secure they’re more convenient too.

  • Send Customers Digital Receipts and Reduce Charge-Backs with Remote Signatures

    For the first time you can capture remote signatures for card-not-present transactions. Just text or email a receipt to your customer who can then sign it using any mobile device platform or browser.

  • Turn Any Web Browser into a Virtual Terminal
